Wednesday, October 17, 2007

So this Thursday Thirteen is becoming a problem. I just sit and stare at the computer screen trying to come up with some cute idea that wouldn't bore the heck out of ya'll. Tonight, I am really drawing a blank. I guess I will have to just give you this:


1. My Baby Girl--Obviously
2. Having a husband that I can depend on--I know we both have our faults, but he always overlooks mine.
3. My family--I only wish it were bigger.

4. The relationship with my in-laws--Like they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
5. Having nieces and nephews--I will always be there for them.

6. The friendship that I have with Heather--We've been friends since the 7th grade. Not too many people can say that. I really love her to death:)
7. Friends that I have made along the way--I may not have many, but the ones I have are really good ones.

8. My job at the DMV--Ok so I don't really "LOVE" it, but I do "LIKE" it a lot.
9. I have seen places other than Greer, Duncan, & Lyman--I may not be a world traveler, but I have gotten out of SC.
10. Putting on clothes that have just came out of the dryer.
11. Take Out--Who doesn't love not having to cook dinner?
12. Getting in a "clean" bed--There really is nothing like climbing under the covers of a bed that has just been made up.

13. Blogging & Scrapbooking--Scrapbooking(because I know Brianna will treasure them), Blogging(because I know ya'll just love these crazy Thursday 13 lists).


Anonymous said...

you really like the dmv? LIAR!

Kristy said...

yeah, you caught me there:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for saying that you miss us so much!!!!! Cause I know that I do & your father-in-law just loves it when you are here. He really get a joy out of you being here. Because of you two going arounds with each other. Have another child & then your family will be a little bigger. I would really love that.

Kristy said...

Yeah, I bet Kevin really misses you. Tell him that if he can come down and help Brian add on to the back on my house and it get done, then I might want to have another baby to make my family bigger. It's just that right now, there is just no room in our house.