Sunday, October 28, 2007

We've been trick or treating 3 times already and it's still not Halloween yet. It's giving her practice for the big night. And the way I look at it, I'm at least getting my money's worth out of Brianna's costume. If you don't know yet, Brianna has decided to be a pixie this year. She's really cute in it. But boy does she get mad if someone calls her a butterfly! She says "I'm not a BUTTERFLY!!" Last year she was a spider for Halloween. She would get so upset if someone called her cute. She would say, "Spiders are not cute. They're scary!" I'm surprised she got any treats at all:) I'm really enjoying myself on all these little adventures. Momma is really liking all the good treats she has been getting. If it's chocolate, I want it. Anyway, wanting to just give you a quick update on what we've been up to this weekend. Not too much really. I took Brianna downtown yesterday for Halloween Hoopla. It was alot of fun. We rushed from there because we needed to go to her school festival, only to ride all the way out there to see that it was postponed. Instead I took Brianna to the Enchanted Forest at the Pavilion in Taylors. It was ok. There was a train ride that you could take, but after waiting in line for about an hour, we called it a night. I know what you all are thinking, why leave if I had already waited an hour? Well, to answer your question, there was still about another 45 minutes of wait time ahead of us. So if anything, you can just call me crazy for standing in line that first hour. But it's hard when you have a 4 year old and you know that it's something she would have enjoyed doing. Maybe next year, I guess. Hope you all had a good weekend. May God give us ALL the strength we need to get through another week at work. (Especially you Heather)


The Pettigrew's said...

So what is the difference between a pixie and a that a fairy?

I think she is beautiful either way. She looks so happy in her Pixie outfit. She is the best one I have ever seen. ;)

Kristy said...

Yes, a pixie is a that scatters dust everywhere:)??? I don't really know the difference. What's your little guy dressing up as?

The Pettigrew's said...

Tucker is going to be a monkey. It is way too cute. His Aunt calls him monkey doodle all the time. So we thought it was best.

Kristy said...

can't wait to see a pic of Tucker on your blog.