Wednesday, October 24, 2007


There has really been alot going on around here this week. Brian, Brianna, and I worked on carving the pumpkin Monday night. Brianna didn't want to stick her hands inside to clean it out. She left that dirty job to her dad and I. After cleaning up the mess, MyMy arrived to stay the night. She had called earlier in the day to ask if she could come stay the night with Brianna. How could I refuse? I had a meeting at work Tuesday, bright and early at 8:00. She offered to take Brianna to school. That was a big help. Now she knows just how CRAZY it is around here in the mornings. Tuesday, I watched as my husband "danced" in the kitchen with his daughter. They were "teaching" each other new dance steps. I just loved watching them. Picture a grown man, 40 years old, in the kitchen spinning around at the request of his little girl. PRICELESS. It was such a sweet moment. I wish I had taken a picture. I really haven't been doing too much of anything this week because I have become addicted to EBAY:) Brian offered to by me a Kate Spade purse for Christmas this year. So since Saturday, I have been trying to bid on Ebay for an authentic purse. I never knew that Ebay could be so addicting. I get up in the morning, look at Ebay. Come home at lunch, look on Ebay. At night after work, yep you guessed it, I'm on Ebay. I have really been neglecting my daughter and my husband. But it wasn't for nothing. I finally won a bid last night. It just sucks having to wait till Christmas to start using my new purse. But not to worry, I'm sure there will be others I will bid on before then. Do they have EBAY ANNONYMOUS meetings? Just playing.


Anonymous said...

I would of love to see pictures of my son dancing with his daughter in the kitchen. That would of been pricless to see. I know how addicated E-bay can get. Did you get the purse that you wanted? Sure hope that you didn't price to much for it?

Kristy said...

Yeah, I got the purse. It was $65.75. Not too bad,considering the ones in the stores are about $200 - $500. I can't wait for it to get here.