Tuesday, July 31, 2007

2 Little Girl's Day of Fun

We have had quite a fun filled day today. Katelynn came over this morning to spend the day with us. We all headed out to a place that has a petting zoo and other animals. It was so cute watching the girls feed all the goats. The goats sure did enjoy it. Brianna was typical Brianna. She saw one animal and then said, "Ok, Whats next?" Oh yeah, and she complained the whole time about it being too hot. She felt much better when Papa bought her and Katelynn an ice cream. It was melting faster that they could eat it, and can you believe that neither of the girls got it on their clothes! After the zoo, we went to McDonald's for lunch then came home for the girls to play in the pool. They really enjoyed themselves. I hope ya'll enjoy the slides.