Monday, July 23, 2007


It's going to be a busy week. Not only are we trying to pack for New York, but we are also working on trying to get Brianna into a Christian school that lasts all day. We have been so very fortunate to have my mother and grandmother help us watch and take care of Brianna these past 4 years, but we believe its time for us to give them a well deserved break. Heather has told me about Inman First Baptist. That is where she takes Carson. He really likes it there and she has no complaints. She has even offered to pick Brianna up when she picks her children up. I just hope she'll have enough room in that Honda of hers for 3 car seats! If not, I guess Brianna will be riding in the trunk:)
I really don't know how to thank you, Heather, for doing this. We definitely would not have made the decision to take her there, had it not been for your suggesting that you would pick her up. I didn't want her to have to stay there till 6:00 every night. So again, Brian & I say thank you. You truly are a wonderful friend.
So once the school thing is taken care of, we can start to get ready to visit New York. I have already been doing laundry for the past 2 days, with a little bit of help from my Grand-Mother. She does some folding for me while she's here with Brianna. I sure am going to miss that when she's not watching Brianna anymore. It's a big joke around here with us. Brianna will run to the clothes dryer and open it up and say, "Granny, Mommy left you some clothes to fold!" I will probably be doing laundry all week. As you all know, Brianna only wants to wear dresses. All her favorite dresses were dirty. Needless to say, I washed her clothes tonight. I also made a quick trip out to Sam's. They didn't have what I went in there to get, but I still ended up with something. A new dress for Brianna and a pair of sneakers for myself. I think its impossible to go into Sam's and not buy something. Anyway, that's been our day.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you & Brian finally found Brianna a school to go to now. It will been great for her going all day now. She will have alot of friends & have fun at school also. Yes, you two were very fortunate to have your grandmother & mom to watch Brianna & now it's time for them to have a break from that. You both just don't know how lucky you were with the babysitting to have someone to watch Brianna. Look at poor Nick with what he has to go though with getting a babysitter for the boys.
Heather, is really a wonderful friend to have Kristy. Keep that friendship to heart. Thank-You very much Heather for helping my family out. You are truly a god sin.