Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Brianna's New Dress

Brianna wanted everyone to see her new dress. She just loves it. I took Brianna to her new school today to visit. She really liked it and after speaking to the lady in charge, I feel much better with our decision to send her there. She said that all the kids have a great time and that Brianna should fit in well there. So, today is the day that I am going to start packing for New York. I thought I should try to start putting clothes in the suitcases while they are still clean. The next 3 days are going to be soooo busy. I think the thing that I hate the worst is trying to remember everything. You all know how it is to get halfway there and realize that you forgot something. I hope that my father-in-law has found somewhere for me to sleep by now. I just know that he is counting down the days till my arrival. (Kevin, since you are so old, I will help you out....Its 4 more days!) I really think that it's the highlight of his summer:) We are all so very excited to go visit. We have had a lot of stress in our lives recently and could really use this chance to get away and spend some quality time with each other. If we don't drive each other crazy first!


Anonymous said...

Brianna looks so beautiful in her dress. We sure can't wait to see the three of you again. I know that you guys have had alot of stress lately. But that will go away when you get here. We can plan something for the two girls to do together & Little Nicholas too. Katelynn, sure can't wait to see Brianna & the both of you. She says that now she can stay at Nana & Papa house for a long time now.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Brianna looks beautiful in all the pictures. Wish I the gift of writing like you do. Love visiting and seeing whats going on with her. Give her a kiss for me and tell her I love her, oh and you too, I guess.
Love, Sherry

Anonymous said...

Brianna, You look so grown up in your new dress, you are such a beautiful little girl.mymy misses you so much. Can't wait to see you
love mymy