Sunday, July 22, 2007


Saturday started out with Brianna and I going out to find us a new bathing suit. We went to Kohl's and found Brianna one. I on the other hand was not so lucky. I don't think there's anything more depressing than trying on bathing suits. I know all you girls out there reading this knows what I am talking about. Anyway, I did finally find one. I don't love it, but it will have to do. We then stopped by My-My's and PaPa's. Brianna wanted to see the baby kitty and My-My. It's name is Peanut. She loves playing with that little cat. We had lunch there and came home. (Thanks for the fried taters, Daddy.) We spent the rest of the night outside. Like usual. I have a daughter and a husband that love to spend all their time outside. Unfortunately, being outside is not one of my favorite things to do. Nonetheless, I grin through it to spend time with my family. Yes, I know, I am such a good mother:) I cut the grass in the back yard and had help from my little helper. She helped me rake up all the clippings. She loves doing stuff like that. She must get it from her Daddy!


Anonymous said...

Brianna, looks so cool in her new bathing suit. Nana, has a new one for her & Katelynn. Nana, also has a new swimming pool for the kids & Kristy, you & I can sit in it to get a cool also. (Brian, can get into it too.) I can't wait to see you guys. I love all of you very deeply & miss you you too.