Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Very Busy Day

We started the morning with a 9:00 visit to church, followed by a trip to the grocery store. Once home, Brian asked if we wanted to go to Paris Mountain State Park. We packed up a picnic and headed out hoping to beat the rain. We walked trails and saw a snake at the bottom of the waterfall. Brian said he thought it was a water moccasin. After our "hike", we thought it best to go ahead and have our picnic before the rain got us. There were alot of geese in the picnic area waiting for our leftovers. Brianna had fun feeding them. We really did have some fun! And in case you are wondering, the rain just missed us.
Later we went to Morris & Shirl's house to see the new baby goats. It was so much fun watching Brianna chasing them around the barn. And the baby chicks, we can't forget them. Brianna has to hold them everytime we go down there. We barely made it out without Brianna "stealing" one. If Shirl had anything to do with it, we would have a henhouse in our backyard already.
I put a slide show on here so that you guys could see all the fun Brianna had today. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys have a wonderful time together a the park. It was so cute seeing Brianna feeding the ducks. I'm so glad that you guys finally did something together as a family. I really don't like the snakes. But my granddaughter isn't afraid of anything. Which is kind of good.