Monday, July 16, 2007

We found out today that we will be going to visit our family in New York next week. With things so up in the air at Brian's job, we didn't know for sure if it was going to work out. It looks like we will be leaving next Friday. We can't wait. And I just know that my father-in-law is just "dying" to see me. (I'm just dying to see you too, Kevin). Brianna has really missed them since their last visit here for her 4th birthday. Looks like we will be there about a week. Granny Reeves is going to take care of our cat, MyMY is taking care of the fish, and my friend April is going to watch Bonnie for us. April, I hope you know I just love you for this:)
Anyway, this "blogging" thing can be addictive. My husband and my child have gone to sleep the past 3 nights and I have stayed up to work on this. I think its worth it though. I am so glad that Heather got me into doing this. She still has to teach me some things, but overall its not too bad. I really enjoy doing it so that you all can get a glimpse into things that you normally don't get to see.
I have put some new pictures on here: A slide show of Brian and Brianna planting sunflowers earlier this spring and a picture of a toad that Brianna had found tonight. She goes outside every night with her daddy looking for camel crickets and lightening bugs. I was sitting at the computer and the next thing I knew, she was running in the house saying she caught a baby frog. Her daddy let her bring it in for a little while so she could hold it and watch it jump around, then it was time for it to go back outside. I'M SO GLAD SHE DIDN'T WANT TO KEEP IT!


Heather said...

Where did my comments go?????? I m so proud of you!!!! You are way ahead of me now!!!!

Kristy said...

who knows what i did with them

Anonymous said...

Kristy you have done an awsome job on this blog for Brianna. She is growing up so fast and this is a great way for all of her family to keep up with her.