Friday, July 20, 2007


So, have you missed me? I've been busy the last couple of days. I don't get many chances to get on the computer. Brianna spends more time on it than I do, but if you were to ask Brian he'd say that I am on it all the time. I would disagree. We are starting to get things ready for our trip to New York next week. I spoke to my father-in-law, Kevin, yesterday. He said that he's still looking for somewhere for me to sleep. I guess he's forgotten that I am a "southern" girl. I can make do and take just about anything he can dish out. It looks like I will be spending some of my time there showing my mother-in-law, Pat, how to blog. Although, I am not a master at it by any means. Brian is planning on taking Brianna fishing and crabbing while we are there. She will get a kick out of that. Anyway, I don't really have much to say and I don't want to bore you to death.
In case you're wondering about the "Thirteen" list below, apparantly in blogging there's a thing called Thursday Thirteen. Every Thursday you make a list of 13 things. So heres my go at it. I didn't do mine till today. I fell asleep last night and didn't get it done. Hope you enjoy it.