Thursday, July 26, 2007

13 Things We Are Taking On Our Vacation:
1. Maps-doesn't matter how many times we have driven to NY, we always have to refer to the maps when we get to the city.
2. Music CD's-Can't find any good stations in Virginia. (That's my chance to break out Bon-Jovi)
3. Portable DVD Player-There's no way Brianna could go a 14 hour car trip without some type of amusement.
4. Activity Bag for the Car-Can't depend on the DVD player to keep Brianna occupied the whole trip.
5. Drinks & Snacks-So we don't have to pull over every 1/2 hour to get something.
6. Brianna's Toys-Not too many because Nana will have plenty for her to play with, but we have to bring her Princess crown and jewelry.
7. Camera-Ya'll know you can't go on vacation without it.
8. Batteries for the Camera-Just in case.
9. Mosquito Spray-I know we will be outside a lot and I hear that mosquitoes in those parts love "southern" blood.
10. Pillow & Blanket-Will make it easier to snooze while Brian is driving.
11. Medicines-Can't leave home without Brianna's allergy medicines. She might be allergic to some of those Yankees!:-)
12. My Dixie Girl T-Shirt-How could I resist?
13. A Prayer to Get us There Safely