Monday, July 28, 2008


Heather has been on my case for a week now to post. I told her I wouldn't post until there was something to post about. Well, I didn't really do anything this weekend worth posting about. But I can tell you what I did.

I have begin to notice all the clutter around my house, and after months of looking at it I am finally doing something about it. To start it off, I went up into my attic to pull down all of Brianna's baby stuff. Not the big things like her crib, changing table, swing, stroller, high chair that kind of stuff. Cause one day I might actually need it, and do not want to have to go out to repurchase all those things. I did pull out all her little baby clothes, which made me so sad. I also pulled out the baby toys that I had kept, 2 bins of stuffed animals, a bouncy, a johnny jumper, a walker, and a crib mobile. After spending all Friday night sorting through that stuff, I loaded it up into the truck Saturday morning at 5:00 AM!!! And headed to the flea market on White Horse Rd. As soon as my table was set up, it started raining. So I covered everything up and waited it out. I stopped after about 30 minutes. The crowd started coming a little bit around 8 and I sold some clothes, toys, and the walker. Then the rain came again, that was it! It was 9:30 and I had gotten rained on twice. So I called it a day. One good thing though was that I made $40 in the short time I stayed there. So again I loaded up the truck and went home. But my day wasn't thru yet. I had to bring in 2 huge tubs full of baby clothes and run them in the dryer because they were soaking wet. Nobody wants to buy clothes with mold on them. That night, I had checked the weather forecast, clear and sunny, and decided I would try my luck at the Thunderbird Flea Market in Spartanburg. I headed out that way at 5:45. By the time I got there and got everything set up it was about 7. The sun was hot and the heat was miserable, I left at 12:30 with a $100 in my pocket. I started out with a truck bed full of stuff and went home with just 1 tub of whats left of her clothes. I guess you could say I have flea market fever now. I have to work this Saturday, but you can bet that if it's not raining, I will be back out at that flea market selling more crap that I have found in my house this week. And if you are wondering, "Well, what's she gonna do with that money?" The answer is that I shall use it to purchase my child school clothes for this year. Pretty good huh?

But on a quick reality check----it's a lot of work. By Sunday night I was so thoroughly exhausted. I know in the long run it will be worth it because my house will have less clutter and I will have a few extra bucks in my pocket.

And if there is anyone looking for a train table set or a play kitchen, I am selling those too. They are both in EXCELLENT CONDITION. I even have the box that the train table came in. It still has all the tracks, trains, and accessories. We paid $250.00 for it for Brianna's 2nd birthday. If you are interested or know anyone that is, please ask them to check out my blog and leave a comment.


Heather said...

Love the update!! I am so glad you were able to get rid of some of that clutter and make some money for school clothes! Don't remind me how quickly that is approaching!!!!!! We also have a train table we need to get rid of!!! I miss our yard sale last summer!!!!! We MUST do another one!!!!! Just let me know when... Don't know if I have it in me to load everything up and sit at a flea market for a day!!

Amanda-The Family News! said...

When I was pregnant with Avery I would go just about every Saturday to the flea market with my parents and walk in that heat - he was born in Sept so it was HOT! I did the same thing while pregnant with Lauren - only it was COLD!

I haven't been since both kids are here now - not that brave yet!!

Glad you made some moolah!!

Kristy said...

I'm glad I could oblige! When I get done with the flea market thing, whatever is left I plan on having a yard sale with. I will let you know when. Last years was a success. Hopefully we can do it again. You know I'll sell everything I have left for a quarter. Better than taking it all to the goodwill so they can make money off it.
Call me later.