Saturday, July 5, 2008


We started out the Fourth with a trip to McDonalds. Uncle Kevin wanted to take Brianna there so that she could play. Other than that, we just stayed around the house. Brian's brothers already had plans to go to other get togethers so we are going to have our Fourth of July Cookout today. We played outside with the big bubble wand. Brianna had fun making really big bubbles and believe it or not she kept wanting me to take her picture. I know, can you believe it? I definitely took her up on the offer. I took some cute pictures of her "posing".
Brianna was disappointed that she didn't get to see Katelynn yesterday, but Nicholas and Ryan came over last night and they played together. We went outside and caught tons, I mean tons, of lightening bugs. Then we all sat outside to watch the neighbors shoot off their fireworks. This morning, Brianna had to let each one of those lightening bugs go, one at a time she had to say goodbye to them. She isn't too sad about that because she knows that she had to let them go so that she could catch them again tonight. Anyway, so everyone will be over at the house today for our Fifth of July cookout. I'll take more pics. Until then, check out the ones from yesterday. I hope you all had a good holiday and we miss you.


Heather said...

Wow! Those bubbles look big enough for my children to live in! Are they germ proof? hehe

I miss you guys! Glad to see that you are having fun and that Brianna is able to be outside playing. Hope you are getting lots of rest and destressing some. I hope the rest of your trip is great and safe!

Love you!

Kristy said...

I am distressing, but I really do miss you. We have got to get together when I get back home. I'm thinking about having a yardsale. Are you up for it?

Funny about the bubbles, I don't think there is a place on this earth that is "germ proof".

Love ya too.