Saturday, July 19, 2008


Hey guys,
I updated my playlist. I was feeling a little nostalgic so I went back in time for a few songs. Hope you enjoy them!


trish said...

heyyy! the sunburn on my face finally turned over... that didn't hurt to bad.. not as bad as my shoulders which is pealing now.. ugh!! I hate that, such a pretty tan going on and then it has to peal!! ugh!! - it was a very great trip that held so many memories that i will never forget!!! hope you are ready to play!! :) - you practicing on the bowling?? let me know when you beat 258 =)

Lydia said...

Did you know NKOTB are touring again....

Kristy said...

Yeah I know NKOTB are touring. I would love to go see them. But unless someone someone wants to give me a free ticket, I guess I will be missing out on it.

Kristy said...

I have been peeling skin off my husbands back all week. He got sunburned really bad. And as far as the bowling goes, I think I may be rethinking wanting to play you or Heather. 258-----that will never happen. The best I've done so far was like 161. Heck I bet Carson could beat that, I know Brianna does better than me.

The Pettigrew's said...

Oh I would so love to go see NKOTB. I loved them. It's funny how it just all comes back to you. I love the play list. It's like high school. :)

trish said...

Sorry it took me a while to respond... Heather will always have her "touch" on the bowling... she'll never lose it.. shes a PRO on it and ALWAYS beats me!!! Carson is really good at it too!!! At first he hated it because he did not know how to do it but now.. he likes it and better and better each time!! He ROCKS at baseball!!!! - Hopefully we'll all have a play date soon and play!! :)

Heather said...

Time for an update!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting! It is not like you have to work or anything! hehe

Kristy said...

Heather, when I have something worth blogging about I will post it. This week has just been crazy. No point in blogging about working, or coming home and cooking dinner, or doing laundry or grocery shopping, or being exhausted. Maybe I will have something to post over the weekend.

Heather said...

OKAY, REALLY FRIEND it is time for an UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've had a weekend! hehe