Monday, July 7, 2008


So we all have heard now the song by Katy Perry, "I Kissed A Girl". Well, the other day when we were driving to the airport Brianna was in the backseat telling me and Brian all about it. This is what she said:

"Momma, you know what I heard on the radio the other day? I heard a girl singing a song about kissing another girl. And she liked it! When I was down at MyMy's today, we were watching Fox News and they were talking about that song and girls kissing girls and boys kissing boys, and that it is just confusing to kids! Girls don't kiss girls and boys don't kiss boys."

I just told her that they were probably just friends, and friends do give each other kisses on the cheeks.

I personally like the song, however, I will be changing the station when it comes on the radio if Brianna is in the car with me. I really don't want to have to address these types of social issues this early in her life. I wonder what she will be asking me next.