Monday, July 7, 2008


Brianna stayed over at Katelynn's last night. I'm going to pick her up later this afternoon. I thought she would have more fun playing over at Aunt Gina's than she would staying in the house all afternoon here. I don't think I've seen the sun since we have been here. I had hopes of going to the beach a couple times while we were here, but it doesn't look like it will be today. So I've used this free time to catch my blog up and to check out other blogs that I've missed out on. It's great to be on vacation. Brian and I both needed to have a break from all the stress that we have been under. I'm not sure what we will be doing while we are here. I know that we are supposed to be going somewhere Friday for the guys to go clamming, and the kids to play in the water, and have a picnic. Hopefully there will be sun for that. I was thinking about maybe taking Brianna to the aquarium and the dinosaur walk one day and maybe take her to the movies to watch Kung Fu Panda another day. And Brian and I will be taking her to the beach at least one day this week even if the sun doesn't come out. She doesn't need the sun to play in the sand and in the ocean. But me on the other hand, I am in desperate need of the sun!! I had high expectations of coming back home with at least some color on these white legs of mine. Oh well, I guess I will just have to see.


Heather said...

OKAY KRISTY MARX!!!!!!!!!! I have updated my blog lots lots lots!!!!! I think I beat the number of updates you have! I have been so far behind, but think I am caught up now. I just can't get it together anymore like you. I will try to do better. Glad to see that Brianna is having a great time and that you are stress free for awhile. I miss you!