Saturday, July 12, 2008


We will be flying home tomorrow afternoon. We have had a really great vacation. Brianna and I went to see Kung Fu Panda at the movies Wednesday afternoon. She enjoyed it and I think this is the first movie that she actually sat through and watched. On Thursday morning, Katelynn was dropped off to spend the day with Brianna. After going out to breakfast, Nana took the girls with her to look for a Wii and Brian dropped me off at the beach. I layed out there by the beach listening to the waves of the ocean and soaking up sun. There was a nice breeze that kept me cool, but I still had to make a couple of trips into the water. How could I not? After 3 hours, Brian came to pick me up. And yes, in case you are wondering, I did get sunburned. I guess I waited a little too late to put on sunscreen.

Friday, the whole family went to Green Point Park, which is almost at the end of Long Island. We went there to play in the sun and sand. There is a bay there that we all played in to cool off. Brian and his Brothers helped their Dad dig for clams. Digging for clams in case you don't know(cause I sure as heck didn't) consists of moving your feet back in fourth in the sand "digging" until you feel the clams. Then you pick it up and put it in a bucket. They were very successful. They got 2 5 gallon buckets full of them. I mostly laid in the sun(as if I needed more sun) and played in the shallow water with the kids. Brianna absolutely loved it! She was finding small crabs and snails. But the cutest thing was watching her with her daddy. You should have seen Brianna out there twisting back and fourth trying to dig those clams up. I know Brian probably enjoyed doing that with her. But it wasn't long before she was looking for more snails and crabs. After a couple hours, we went to the picnic area. Brianna, Katelynn, Nicholas, and Ryan all ran around and played while the food was cooking. As soon as we were finished eating, I took the kids into the water one last time. Brianna didn't want to leave and I must say, I didn't want to either. But we had gotten there at 11:00 and it was 5:00 when we left plus we had a hour drive ahead of us to get back home.

Today, Saturday, we will be having a big seafood dinner. Whatcha think they went clamming for? I think I will probably have Wendy's!