Thursday, August 30, 2007

As you all know, Brianna loves to tell silly jokes. I thought this week I would tell you some of them. Here goes,

13 Silly Jokes




Because the woodpecker would peck her


As far away as possible


Because he was chicken


A Lawn Moo-er


Winnie the Pooh


A box of quackers


To give the ants a chance


Because they have webbed feet


Bumble gum


Usually "purr" can


To get the the udder side


Because they forgot the words

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Brianna's WEBKINZ Pony:"Pretty"

Brianna wanted to say thank you to Aunt Shirl for her new "pet". It really is alot of fun. Brianna had to have macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight because that is what Pretty likes to eat. I just hope we don't spend all of the money we are supposed to use to take care of Pretty. I would hate for her to starve to death. Can these pets die? I sure hope not. Oh yeah, she's already looking for another one.


Of course the first thing Brianna had to do when we got to Morris & Shirl's was to play with those baby chicks. They sure are growing fast. Shirl and Brianna let all the chickens out of the hen house to let them run and play for awhile. Brianna picked up 2 babies to play with. And then there were the goats. There are 5 total running around the barn; 2 mommas and 3 babies. I really got a kick out of them. They are adorable. After the visit to the barn, we went back down to the house where Aunt Shirl gave Brianna her surprise. It was a WEBKINZ. It is apparently a new craze that is going around. It's a cute idea. It's these stuffed animals that you can register online. You have to feed, clothe, and take care of them. Shirl had gotten Brianna a little pink horse. Brianna chose to name her Pretty. They had fun playing on the computer together. Brianna also got to rock on Rockette. Rockette is a carousel horse that Shirl has. It was made by her brother. Brianna enjoys riding it. We left after Brianna made 1 more visit to the barn to get some eggs and to say goodbye to all her little "friends".


Thursday, August 23, 2007


1. "What? You mean I have to pay for that?"

2. We ask, "Who is your insurance with?" Customer replies, "Blue Cross Blue Shield."

3. Customer comes in at 3:00 and asks, "How long is the wait? I have to be at the doctor at 3:30." Come on, why bother!

4. There is an information desk right in front of the door, right in front of their face, yet customers walk around cluelessly wondering where to take their numbers.

5."That PO-LICE man came to my house and took the tag off my car! Next time, I'll have my gun!"

6. Why is it that people just let their children run all over the place while they are at the counter trying to do their business. Tip-if you have rugrats that are so incontrollable, you don't need to bring them out in public, yet alone the DMV!

7. Road tests-"Why did you fail my boyfriend? I have MS and I have to take medication that keeps me doped up and I can't drive him around no mo! If something happens to me cause you failed him, it's on you!" *****OH PLEASE*****

8. The wait time will be 5 minutes and people say, "I don't want to be here all day."

9. Man came in one day needing to take the road test. Keep in mind, he was in there to take the road test because he had been suspended for a DUI. I was signing him up, smelled alcohol on his breath and said, "Sir, we can't take you out on a road test when you've been drinking." To this, he replied, "Well, I did tie one on last night!"

10. Just recently, an examiner took a young girl on a road test. While administering the test, the girl told the examiner to "GET THE F*$@ OUT OF THE CAR!" The examiner got out.

11. Why is it that people always want to sit a baby on your counter that has a diaper full of poopy.

12. One guy was under suspension till 2015 and owed thousands of dollars in reinstatement fees. He asked, "How am I going to get around?" Clerk replied,"I guess you better get a bicycle."

13. Last but, not least.....this is the thing that those of us that work for the DMV hate to hear......

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Please allow me this opportunity to get a little sentimental. I am not quite sure what it is, but for some reason I have really gotten sad lately when I think of how fast Brianna is growing up. It seems like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. She was just this little, little baby. We had come home from the hospital and Momma was here to help us. I stayed up as late as I could and finally went to lay down. I was so scared. Here in my hands was this little girl that I would be responsible for forever. I had absolutely no idea what to do to care for her, how to burp her, how to hold her. No books that I had read during my pregnancy could really prepare me for this new experience. I laid my head down that night and prayed to God that he would help me, to be with me, to give me the wisdom and patience to know just what this child would need. I asked him to please let me be a good mother. I cried myself to sleep that night. However, I didn't sleep too long. Especially with a newborn in the house. It was so new to me and Brian. Brian was just so very loving to his new baby daughter. I saw him in a completely different light. And my Mom, I just don't know what we would have done without her taking over the late,late night shifts. She really came through for us. With each passing day, then passing month, she changed so very much. Before we knew it, she was eating solid food, crawling on the floor, and trying to "talk". I often thought to myself that I could not wait for her to be big enough to play with and do things with. Now, as I look back, it makes me so very sad that she is not a baby anymore. She used to need me for EVERYTHING. Today, she needs me for girly things. I have to help put her princess jewelry on, or tie the bow on her dress, or help her wash her hair. Now, she is this independent, strong-willed girl that makes our whole world turn. She has touched our lives and our hearts. My love for her is just so amazing to me. There is absolutely nothing in this world that is as wonderful as being a mother; and nothing more rewarding than having my daughter wrap her arms around my neck and say, "I love you, Mommy".

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Weekend Update

I had to work Saturday. Our DMV office works about every 8 weeks or so. It is just dreadful. We are only open till 1 o'clock, but it feels like we work all day. Especially this weekend. School starts here Monday, so I think every child in Greenville county came into the DMV Saturday to get their permit or their drivers license. I was so very fortunate that when I got home, Brianna hadn't had a nap. Yep, you guessed it! We snoozed for about 2 hours! Today has been okay. It sure is hot outside. We went to church, then by the pond to feed the ducks. Brianna's got a "friend" there named Reggie. He is a Canadian goose. I don't really know if its the same one everytime or not, Brianna seems to think it is. After the ducks, we went down to Mom & Dad's. Brianna was having Peanut withdrawals. I got the best idea while we were down there to have a CARWASHING PARTY! Daddy was the only one that wanted to come and the only way he would come help me wash my car was if I helped him wash his. Brian has mentioned in the past that I nag like my Mother. Well, let me tell ya, I learned today that it's my Daddy that is the nagger. He nagged at me the whole time about how I was washing the car. (Does it really matter which part of the car you wash first? Or that you have to wash the windows last because the soap will dry? Like I said, Nag, Nag, Nag:) It was fun though, and I really appreciate the help. My car hasn't been this clean in forever! Well gotta run, its 5 o'clock and it's time to make dinner.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


1. Washing Dishes-I've got a pile in the sink!

2. Folding the load of laundry in the dryer-It's been in there for 2 days. Can you imagine the wrinkles?

3. Speaking of wrinkles-I should be ironing mine and Brianna's clothes for tomorrow.

4. Making Brianna's lunch for school-If I don't make it tonight, I may forget all about it tomorrow. Can't let my child go to school without that.

5. Taking a shower-I've learned that this saves time in the morning when I am trying to get both of us ready.

6. Coloring my hair-Boy is the grey bad!!!!!

7. Watching all my tivo shows-Brian gets so aggrevated when my shows start taking up all the space.

8. Give myself a pedicure-I sure will be glad when Summer is over, no more sandals.

9. Spending time with my husband-I get so busy here after work, I often take him for granted.

10. Having "Kristy" time-really can't get enough of that.

11. Working in my scrapbook-that's really got behind since I started Blogging.

12. Getting my child to bed-6:30 sure does come awful early.

13. Getting my ownself to bed-I must be crazy to be playing on this computer when I could be getting my "Beauty Sleep".

Sunday, August 12, 2007

What A Weekend!

This weekend was very busy. I watched Macy on Saturday. Not because I was asked to, but because I wanted to. It was nice taking care of a little one again. Then Saturday night, Brianna and I went to Sherry's 50th birthday party. Brianna was our entertainment. She danced around and kept everyone amused. Sunday was a crazy, busy day. We went to church, then by WalMart, then by the bank, then the zoo, then by Kmart, then by WalMart again, then by Granny's to pick her up, then down to my mother's for dinner. The zoo was great fun. Brianna's favorite part of the zoo is visiting the snakes. Her favorite is the corn snake and a really big Burmese Python. She saw other animals too, elephants, spider monkeys, turtles, leopards, and alligators. After the zoo, she played at the park there. It was still early and not very crowded. We didn't get to spend too much time on playground. We still had to get to mom's for dinner. Robbie was wanting stewed potatoes, so I volunteered to make him some. You all know what it's like to cook for someone else. When its just you and your family, no problem. But when you cook for someone else, who knows how it will turn out. Surprisingly, the potatoes were delicious if I do say so myself. After dinner, we cleaned the kitchen and it was off to our house. I had neglected doing house work all weekend, so I really had to make up for it. Skylar, the little girl from across the street, asked if Brianna could come over for awhile. I really took advantage of this opportunity. I cleaned this house in no time! After a late trip to the grocery store, I came home and got Brianna's lunch ready for school tomorrow, got her bathed and in the bed. Right now, as I am typing this, is the first time I think I have sat down all day. The only thing left to do is laundry. I sure do miss Granny watching Brianna. She always kept my laundry folded. I guess it will wait till tomorrow because I am beat!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

What a Week!

Let me just start out saying that this has been a very hectic week. The morning starts out at 6:30. Leave here at 7:30, get Brianna to school at 8:00, get myself to work by 8:20. Then the last 3 days, I have left work on my lunch hour at 2:30 to pick Brianna up from school to bring her back home, I return back to work, and then leave around 5:45. By the time I have gotten home, gotten dinner ready, ate, washed dishes, gotten Brianna's school clothes ready, my work clothes ready, bathed both of us, it has been around 9:00. I have tried to get her in the bed earlier and earlier, and have just not been able to accomplish this task. I haven't even had a chance to turn on the t.v this week to watch any of my shows. For this, I am sure Brian is grateful. He doesn't care for any of the shows I watch. So after Brianna is off to sleep, I soon follow. All of this just to start over all over again the next day.
As far as school goes, Brianna is adjusting. She likes it, but the routine is still new to her. She still doesn't know the names of the other kids in her class. All she has told me is that 1 boy and 1 girl sit at her table and they both wear glasses. She stills says "I don't want to go to school." I think it will grow on her. Wish us luck next week.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

13 of Brianna's Favorite Toys

1. Horses-Not just 1, a whole bunch.

2. Box full of lizards and other "creatures"-I think she has part boy in her.

3. Rescue Pet-It's a little doggy that Granny bought her on her Birthday.

4. Purring Kitty-She got it for her birthday also.

5. Play-doh-She just loves making messes with that stuff. It doesn't come out of carpet too easily.

6. Sit-N-Spin-She sits in the kitchen floor and just spins. It wouldn't be too bad if not for the "annoying" music that it plays.

7. My Little Pony-She has a whole box of those too. God help me if one goes missing!

8. DINOSAURS-I just can't get rid of them no matter how hard I try. She just keeps getting more. I thought she would grow out of it, but not yet.

9. Sandbox-It's fun for her, but sure is hard to clean off. Especially when it's wet.

10. Swimming pool-It's great on a hot day. Mommy likes it too.

11. Drawing Easel-She practices drawing and writing letters on it.

12. The computer-Not really a toy, but she enjoys working on it. Her favorite websites are Noggin & Kidzpage.

13. Pinto & Flicka-Pinto is a rocking horse and Flicka is the big horse she got at Christmas. She looks so cute when riding them with her cowboy hat and boots on.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Brianna Starts 4K

The day started by waking Brianna up at 6:30 this morning. We were off to school by 7:30. She has to be there by 8:00. We followed Heather & Carson so the kids could walk in together. Carson & Brianna aren't in the same classroom, but they will still have play activities together. Brianna was fine when I left. She had already engaged herself in play and didn't seem to mind my leaving. That was a relief. We picked them up around 3:30. Brianna was happy to see me but upset that she wasn't going to get to stay at Carson's house to play with him and Ella. She will be getting to do that since Heather will be picking Brianna up for us. She is going to stay at Carson's house until Brian or I can pick her up in the evening. Heather is really helping us out. She joked about having to buy a minivan to transport these kids:) Brianna didn't say too much about school. She did say that she didn't think anyone liked her. I told her that she had to make friends. She said, "What if they don't like me?" 4 Years old, can you believe it! I told her she will be fine. Let's hope so. I really don't need her having some kind of social complex. Anyway, the goal for the night is to have her bathed and ready for bed by 8:45. Wish me luck!

Brianna's 1st Day at School

Saturday, August 4, 2007


We got back today at 2:30. We left NY yesterday morning at 11:45 and stopped in VA at 8:45. Brianna just loves staying in hotels. She got to take her first shower last night. That was fun. By the time we got settled in and asleep, it was 12:00. My child slept till 9 o'clock almost everyday while we were on vacation and wouldn't you know it that this morning she just HAD to wake up bright and early at 6:30! We hit the road and finally made it back home (but not before making an emergency stop on the side of the road for Brianna to "potty", lucky we had a cup.) Gina, you were right, I should've invested in a portable toilet. The first thing we had to do once home was unload the car. That's as far as everything got. I will have to unpack everything tomorrow. I went to pick up Bonnie at April's. Bonnie really missed us, especially Brian. Then Brianna wanted to go down to MyMy's to see them and the kitty, Peanut. I got to spend some time with my niece,Macy. She is 1 month old now. I finally got to see her awake. She is just so pretty. I held her and played with her the whole time I was down there. MyMy & PaPa were glad to see Brianna, as was she. We stayed there for a couple of hours, and then we had to come home. It was just a very long day.
We all had a great time visiting everyone in NY. We wish we could have gotten to spend a little bit more time there, but with Brianna starting school Monday, we thought it best to get her home. Thank you all for everything. We miss you already!
Kevin, I know you are just miserable without me there.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

13 Things We Did While Visiting Long Island:
1. Brianna played with all her cousins--Its was very CRAZY around here then.
2. Brianna & Katelynn had sleepovers--They are just like sisters.
3. Sunday BBQ--Yummy
4. I got to sleep till 9:00 in the mornings--That will never happen again!
5. Visited a Zoo with the girls--Lots of fun there.
6. Kept this blog current--When I would get a couple of minutes.
7. Slept in the "trampler"--Thats what Brianna called the camper trailer we slept in.
8. Caught lightening bugs--Brianna is becoming a pro.
9. Went fishing with Uncle Kevin--All Brianna caught was a couple of crabs.(not the "itchy" ones.)
They kept eating the bait off her hook.
10. Used mosquito spray constantly--The "skeeters" sure are bad on the island.
11. Shopped for back to school clothes--Got great deals at the outlets.
12. Went to the beach--Brianna loved jumping in the waves. It was great!
13. Had to put up with my Father-in-Law ALL WEEK!!--need I say more?

Gone Fishin'

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