Thursday, August 2, 2007

13 Things We Did While Visiting Long Island:
1. Brianna played with all her cousins--Its was very CRAZY around here then.
2. Brianna & Katelynn had sleepovers--They are just like sisters.
3. Sunday BBQ--Yummy
4. I got to sleep till 9:00 in the mornings--That will never happen again!
5. Visited a Zoo with the girls--Lots of fun there.
6. Kept this blog current--When I would get a couple of minutes.
7. Slept in the "trampler"--Thats what Brianna called the camper trailer we slept in.
8. Caught lightening bugs--Brianna is becoming a pro.
9. Went fishing with Uncle Kevin--All Brianna caught was a couple of crabs.(not the "itchy" ones.)
They kept eating the bait off her hook.
10. Used mosquito spray constantly--The "skeeters" sure are bad on the island.
11. Shopped for back to school clothes--Got great deals at the outlets.
12. Went to the beach--Brianna loved jumping in the waves. It was great!
13. Had to put up with my Father-in-Law ALL WEEK!!--need I say more?