Saturday, August 4, 2007


We got back today at 2:30. We left NY yesterday morning at 11:45 and stopped in VA at 8:45. Brianna just loves staying in hotels. She got to take her first shower last night. That was fun. By the time we got settled in and asleep, it was 12:00. My child slept till 9 o'clock almost everyday while we were on vacation and wouldn't you know it that this morning she just HAD to wake up bright and early at 6:30! We hit the road and finally made it back home (but not before making an emergency stop on the side of the road for Brianna to "potty", lucky we had a cup.) Gina, you were right, I should've invested in a portable toilet. The first thing we had to do once home was unload the car. That's as far as everything got. I will have to unpack everything tomorrow. I went to pick up Bonnie at April's. Bonnie really missed us, especially Brian. Then Brianna wanted to go down to MyMy's to see them and the kitty, Peanut. I got to spend some time with my niece,Macy. She is 1 month old now. I finally got to see her awake. She is just so pretty. I held her and played with her the whole time I was down there. MyMy & PaPa were glad to see Brianna, as was she. We stayed there for a couple of hours, and then we had to come home. It was just a very long day.
We all had a great time visiting everyone in NY. We wish we could have gotten to spend a little bit more time there, but with Brianna starting school Monday, we thought it best to get her home. Thank you all for everything. We miss you already!
Kevin, I know you are just miserable without me there.