Monday, August 6, 2007

Brianna Starts 4K

The day started by waking Brianna up at 6:30 this morning. We were off to school by 7:30. She has to be there by 8:00. We followed Heather & Carson so the kids could walk in together. Carson & Brianna aren't in the same classroom, but they will still have play activities together. Brianna was fine when I left. She had already engaged herself in play and didn't seem to mind my leaving. That was a relief. We picked them up around 3:30. Brianna was happy to see me but upset that she wasn't going to get to stay at Carson's house to play with him and Ella. She will be getting to do that since Heather will be picking Brianna up for us. She is going to stay at Carson's house until Brian or I can pick her up in the evening. Heather is really helping us out. She joked about having to buy a minivan to transport these kids:) Brianna didn't say too much about school. She did say that she didn't think anyone liked her. I told her that she had to make friends. She said, "What if they don't like me?" 4 Years old, can you believe it! I told her she will be fine. Let's hope so. I really don't need her having some kind of social complex. Anyway, the goal for the night is to have her bathed and ready for bed by 8:45. Wish me luck!