Sunday, August 12, 2007

What A Weekend!

This weekend was very busy. I watched Macy on Saturday. Not because I was asked to, but because I wanted to. It was nice taking care of a little one again. Then Saturday night, Brianna and I went to Sherry's 50th birthday party. Brianna was our entertainment. She danced around and kept everyone amused. Sunday was a crazy, busy day. We went to church, then by WalMart, then by the bank, then the zoo, then by Kmart, then by WalMart again, then by Granny's to pick her up, then down to my mother's for dinner. The zoo was great fun. Brianna's favorite part of the zoo is visiting the snakes. Her favorite is the corn snake and a really big Burmese Python. She saw other animals too, elephants, spider monkeys, turtles, leopards, and alligators. After the zoo, she played at the park there. It was still early and not very crowded. We didn't get to spend too much time on playground. We still had to get to mom's for dinner. Robbie was wanting stewed potatoes, so I volunteered to make him some. You all know what it's like to cook for someone else. When its just you and your family, no problem. But when you cook for someone else, who knows how it will turn out. Surprisingly, the potatoes were delicious if I do say so myself. After dinner, we cleaned the kitchen and it was off to our house. I had neglected doing house work all weekend, so I really had to make up for it. Skylar, the little girl from across the street, asked if Brianna could come over for awhile. I really took advantage of this opportunity. I cleaned this house in no time! After a late trip to the grocery store, I came home and got Brianna's lunch ready for school tomorrow, got her bathed and in the bed. Right now, as I am typing this, is the first time I think I have sat down all day. The only thing left to do is laundry. I sure do miss Granny watching Brianna. She always kept my laundry folded. I guess it will wait till tomorrow because I am beat!!!!!!!!!