Sunday, August 19, 2007

Weekend Update

I had to work Saturday. Our DMV office works about every 8 weeks or so. It is just dreadful. We are only open till 1 o'clock, but it feels like we work all day. Especially this weekend. School starts here Monday, so I think every child in Greenville county came into the DMV Saturday to get their permit or their drivers license. I was so very fortunate that when I got home, Brianna hadn't had a nap. Yep, you guessed it! We snoozed for about 2 hours! Today has been okay. It sure is hot outside. We went to church, then by the pond to feed the ducks. Brianna's got a "friend" there named Reggie. He is a Canadian goose. I don't really know if its the same one everytime or not, Brianna seems to think it is. After the ducks, we went down to Mom & Dad's. Brianna was having Peanut withdrawals. I got the best idea while we were down there to have a CARWASHING PARTY! Daddy was the only one that wanted to come and the only way he would come help me wash my car was if I helped him wash his. Brian has mentioned in the past that I nag like my Mother. Well, let me tell ya, I learned today that it's my Daddy that is the nagger. He nagged at me the whole time about how I was washing the car. (Does it really matter which part of the car you wash first? Or that you have to wash the windows last because the soap will dry? Like I said, Nag, Nag, Nag:) It was fun though, and I really appreciate the help. My car hasn't been this clean in forever! Well gotta run, its 5 o'clock and it's time to make dinner.