Sunday, August 26, 2007


Of course the first thing Brianna had to do when we got to Morris & Shirl's was to play with those baby chicks. They sure are growing fast. Shirl and Brianna let all the chickens out of the hen house to let them run and play for awhile. Brianna picked up 2 babies to play with. And then there were the goats. There are 5 total running around the barn; 2 mommas and 3 babies. I really got a kick out of them. They are adorable. After the visit to the barn, we went back down to the house where Aunt Shirl gave Brianna her surprise. It was a WEBKINZ. It is apparently a new craze that is going around. It's a cute idea. It's these stuffed animals that you can register online. You have to feed, clothe, and take care of them. Shirl had gotten Brianna a little pink horse. Brianna chose to name her Pretty. They had fun playing on the computer together. Brianna also got to rock on Rockette. Rockette is a carousel horse that Shirl has. It was made by her brother. Brianna enjoys riding it. We left after Brianna made 1 more visit to the barn to get some eggs and to say goodbye to all her little "friends".


Heather said...

I love it!!!!!!!!!!! There is no way I could ever get Car to do what Brianna does with those animals! Glad you had fun! Now it is another work week! The weekend couldn't come quickly enough for me! :)