Thursday, August 9, 2007

13 of Brianna's Favorite Toys

1. Horses-Not just 1, a whole bunch.

2. Box full of lizards and other "creatures"-I think she has part boy in her.

3. Rescue Pet-It's a little doggy that Granny bought her on her Birthday.

4. Purring Kitty-She got it for her birthday also.

5. Play-doh-She just loves making messes with that stuff. It doesn't come out of carpet too easily.

6. Sit-N-Spin-She sits in the kitchen floor and just spins. It wouldn't be too bad if not for the "annoying" music that it plays.

7. My Little Pony-She has a whole box of those too. God help me if one goes missing!

8. DINOSAURS-I just can't get rid of them no matter how hard I try. She just keeps getting more. I thought she would grow out of it, but not yet.

9. Sandbox-It's fun for her, but sure is hard to clean off. Especially when it's wet.

10. Swimming pool-It's great on a hot day. Mommy likes it too.

11. Drawing Easel-She practices drawing and writing letters on it.

12. The computer-Not really a toy, but she enjoys working on it. Her favorite websites are Noggin & Kidzpage.

13. Pinto & Flicka-Pinto is a rocking horse and Flicka is the big horse she got at Christmas. She looks so cute when riding them with her cowboy hat and boots on.