Friday, August 10, 2007

What a Week!

Let me just start out saying that this has been a very hectic week. The morning starts out at 6:30. Leave here at 7:30, get Brianna to school at 8:00, get myself to work by 8:20. Then the last 3 days, I have left work on my lunch hour at 2:30 to pick Brianna up from school to bring her back home, I return back to work, and then leave around 5:45. By the time I have gotten home, gotten dinner ready, ate, washed dishes, gotten Brianna's school clothes ready, my work clothes ready, bathed both of us, it has been around 9:00. I have tried to get her in the bed earlier and earlier, and have just not been able to accomplish this task. I haven't even had a chance to turn on the t.v this week to watch any of my shows. For this, I am sure Brian is grateful. He doesn't care for any of the shows I watch. So after Brianna is off to sleep, I soon follow. All of this just to start over all over again the next day.
As far as school goes, Brianna is adjusting. She likes it, but the routine is still new to her. She still doesn't know the names of the other kids in her class. All she has told me is that 1 boy and 1 girl sit at her table and they both wear glasses. She stills says "I don't want to go to school." I think it will grow on her. Wish us luck next week.


Heather said...

For some strange reason I don't feel sorry for you at all!!!!!!!! Try having to get up at 4:50am and having TWO children!!!!! Try having to drive from where we live to Car's school then to my school and having to teach at 7:30! Well let's see...that's about when you have to leave!!!!!!!!!! Sorry no sympathy here!!!!!!!!! Just Kidding! Love Ya!

Kristy said...

I will just call you SUPERWOMAN!!!!
I think that's why I only have 1 child. I don't think I could do it.