Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Please allow me this opportunity to get a little sentimental. I am not quite sure what it is, but for some reason I have really gotten sad lately when I think of how fast Brianna is growing up. It seems like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. She was just this little, little baby. We had come home from the hospital and Momma was here to help us. I stayed up as late as I could and finally went to lay down. I was so scared. Here in my hands was this little girl that I would be responsible for forever. I had absolutely no idea what to do to care for her, how to burp her, how to hold her. No books that I had read during my pregnancy could really prepare me for this new experience. I laid my head down that night and prayed to God that he would help me, to be with me, to give me the wisdom and patience to know just what this child would need. I asked him to please let me be a good mother. I cried myself to sleep that night. However, I didn't sleep too long. Especially with a newborn in the house. It was so new to me and Brian. Brian was just so very loving to his new baby daughter. I saw him in a completely different light. And my Mom, I just don't know what we would have done without her taking over the late,late night shifts. She really came through for us. With each passing day, then passing month, she changed so very much. Before we knew it, she was eating solid food, crawling on the floor, and trying to "talk". I often thought to myself that I could not wait for her to be big enough to play with and do things with. Now, as I look back, it makes me so very sad that she is not a baby anymore. She used to need me for EVERYTHING. Today, she needs me for girly things. I have to help put her princess jewelry on, or tie the bow on her dress, or help her wash her hair. Now, she is this independent, strong-willed girl that makes our whole world turn. She has touched our lives and our hearts. My love for her is just so amazing to me. There is absolutely nothing in this world that is as wonderful as being a mother; and nothing more rewarding than having my daughter wrap her arms around my neck and say, "I love you, Mommy".


Anonymous said...

That was so touching to my heart. You are also a wonderful daughter-in-law to me. I Love you so dearly Kristy. You just don't know how much I really would of loved to have a daughter as wonderful as you are to Dad & I. We Love You!!

But, I really think it's time that you guys should have another. By the way, you are feeling now. Cause, you are feeling very lonely with Brianna growing up.

Heather said...

Now you can have another one and experience those same feelings all over again, but with greater wisdom!!!! God opens a mommy's heart and pours in just as much love with the second one!!! Brianna is a terrific little princess with a fabulous mommy!!!!!!!

Kristy said...

Yeah, I knew those comments were coming. Like the title of my post says: A Sentimental "Moment". I don't know about taking care of a baby all over again. It's nice to have a child thats not so dependent on me anymore sometimes. I don't know how you do it, Heather.

Anonymous said...

Kristy, if you can have a sentimental moment momma can.You are saying the very same things about Brianna ( Doodles) as I did you. You are never gonna beleive where I found the kitty this Saturday mourning, I got up at 6:00 and fixed me some coffee, and I put my milk in it and came in here on the computer. Tell Doodles that stupid lil kitty was in the refrigerator from 6-8. If I hadnt went in there to get my drink I would have never known he was in there LOL. Now back to my moment.You were so special to me and you were the best thing I ever had.Well, you and Robbie.I loved you more than anything in the world. You will always be my lil girl even tho you're 30, LOL!! ha! ha!I always wanted alil girl cuz I never had a sister. I always wanted to dress you up, but I never had the money. Im so glad you can get Doodles the things she needs and wants. I'm just sorry you never had everything other kids had. I can get the credit for Doodles washing dishes and being your lil helper. It was so funny when you called one day to check on Doodles and I told you she was doing the dishes, now she was just 2&a half or 3. You said " momma you better not be making her clean your house up, but she always wants to help and its not gonna hurt her so I let her. I had to teach her how to fold wash cloths to stop her from messing them up when I fold them.You didnt need me anymore after you started growing up. I missed you so much when you moved out. My baby girl was gone.I felt like I had no purpose, until that great day in a May when you & Brian brought That precious baby girl in the world.As she got bigger me and her, I mean she and I, would laugh and giggle about stuff that mommy didnt think was funny at all, but we did.Mommy says to have her in bed at 9:00, well sometimes we would lay in the bed and laugh about stuff till 11:00. When Brianna is around you half to listen to her talk, cuz she will say MyMy, listen to me a 100 times. And you cant make her do stuff that she dont want to do, cuz she really knows how to pitch a fit.Kristy, you are still mad at me to this day for making you come home from Amber's to help me clean up, now you are glad Doodles is starting to help you. You wasnt even 4 when I made you help me. You were probably 7 or 8. Now look, you are a great mommy and you keep your house clean, Thanks to momma. LOL Do you remember how much I begged you and Brian to have me a grandbaby? I'm sure you do.That will be the best thing to you both, that you ever did.I never feel like laughing until Doodles is in the house, she is so funny and she says the craziest things. Like when she told me when crabs get to big for their shells, they crawl out and get in a bigger one, and then the old ones are what we see washing up on the beach, I about fell out. She is just too smart, maybe she will be able to skip 5 yr kindergarten and go on to the first grade. or even straight on to middle school. I'm exaggerating now aren't I? Maybe we will finally have a genius in our family, Lord knows we need one.LOL.Well I'm tired of writing, sorry.! I wrote so much, but once you get started, it's hard to stop. Love MyMy and momma P.S. I told you your dad was a nagger and you didnt believe me, you always think I am, but boy have you got it wrong.Dont forget to tell Brie about the kitty in the frig. He was soooooooooooooo cold lol thats what he gets!!

Kristy said...
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Kristy said...

Momma, you were supposed to leave a comment not a whole book:) I wish that I were still a child, except for having to "clean" all the time. I don't MAKE Brianna clean up, she offers. How can I refuse? That was funny about your cat. I think he may have been trying to commit kitty suicide!