Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The pediatric orthopedist took a look at Brianna's arm today. He said that the ER docs set the bones really good and that she would probably be in a cast for about 5 weeks. He decided to keep her in the "soft" cast that was placed on her in the ER. He said that she still had some swelling and he also wanted the bones to begin to heal a little before cutting the old plaster and placing the new cast on there. She of course, opted to have it wrapped in pink. The plan is to bring her back to the doctor next week, he will do xrays, remove the old cast and place a new waterproof cast on her. The only bad news is that he said due to the fact that she broke the bones high up on her forearm, it would require a fool arm cast. That should be fun. In the meantime, she is steady hanging in there and discovering more and more that she is capable of using her arm. She just has to be careful. She is almost proud of her pink cast and guess what? Her daddy was the first one to sign it. SWEET, I KNOW!


The Pettigrew's said...

That is great news. I love her pink cast! I think that is so sweet that her Daddy signed her cast.

Amanda-The Family News! said...

Hope all goes well with the arm!!! Glad to see she is learning to use "around it".

Anonymous said...

Pink makes everything better! :)
Did heather give you my message? There is a reason we may not be able to come Saturday, but I can't post it on the blog!! ;) Heather was supposed to tell you.