Monday, May 5, 2008


Well, around here we just say May 5th. Today happens to be my great grandmothers birthday. Granny Thelma turns 69 today. You definitely wouldn't know it to look at her that's for sure. Brianna and I took her a present, cards, and a cake by her house earlier. She really enjoyed that. As far as things go around here, well, I took the day off work to take care of Brianna. I am still a little apprehensive about sending her to school. She goes to the pediatric orthopedist tomorrow, so maybe he'll put her in a permanent cast and say that she will be ok to go back to school. I finally went to get Brianna's birthday presents from her Dad and I today. Originally she wanted a trampoline, but since I don't want her to have 2 broken arms, we have to axe that idea. Instead, I picked her up a swimming pool for the back yard, sandbox toys, and a StarStation. I thought she might like watching herself sing on TV. Oh yeah, and I also got her a bug vacuum gun. You press the trigger and it sucks up bugs and you can then place them in a bug kit. I know, I know, I know, that is right up her alley. I managed to get all the party bags done for the guests that will be coming to the party. So with her gifts and that out of the way, I feel a little bit has lifted off my shoulders. Now I'm just trying to figure out who will be coming. Chandler, her "boyfriend" from Inman called tonight and said he would be there. But only for a little while, due to a baseball game that afternoon. That made Brianna really happy. I am taking invitations to the other kids at Inman First Baptist (Brianna's old school) tomorrow. I was planning on taking them last week, but the she broke her arm and things have kind of been up in the air. Anyway, I know its kind of late notice, but if there are parents and kids that don't have any plans for Saturday morning, maybe they could drop by and play a little while. The more the merrier, I guess. Well, wish us luck as we venture off to the orthopedist Tuesday. I sure hope that nothing complicated is going to happen. I would HATE for that doctor to say her arm isn't set right, and that he will have to do it again, UUUUUGGGGHHH!


Lydia said...

Sounds like fun! Hey- will you send me an email? It's
No big deal- just wanted to ask you something and didn't want to type it all on here...