Friday, May 16, 2008


I went to see Heather in the hospital Wednesday and I was totally blown away by what I saw. I saw my very best friend sitting up in bed, with clothes and makeup on, wearing a huge smile on her face! She looked amazing. She thought she was about to get an xray and she sat right up in that bed, asked me to grab her shoes, and was going to put them on all by herself.(Fortunately, they came to get her by mistake, no xray till Monday) I swear, it was just like sitting in Heather's kitchen talking to her while our kids ran around playing. She said that she had a good day in physical therapy, stood up for 3 hours and played Connect Four. She was looking forward to her Day Pass on Thursday, but was a little nervous about the whole thing. I stayed and visited her for an hour, but then had to go because she had more company coming. If I could, I would have stayed everyday with her. But she understands, some of us have families we have to take care of. Anyway, I spoke to her Thursday night to ask about how her Day Pass went. She said that she had went to Mexican for lunch and then she even managed to get out of the car and walk on her walker up to the window at Brewster's to order ice cream! When I tell you all, Heather has worked so very hard to get to where she is at. I don't think anyone else could have come so far so soon. Hopefully, she will get to come home on May 20th. Keep her in your prayers, as she will surely need the Lord's strength to readjusting to being at home.


trish said...

Hey!! I know who you are silly.. haha... I've seen you a couple of times! :) and once you said posting pictures up i remember you were there when heather kept bugging me to update my blog like she normally does lol.. - Thanks for my message. It was very sweet... I love those kids so much!!! You're totally right.. God does have a plan for all of us and i'm SO blessed to have Heather in my life. She is absouletly amazing.

Anyways. I got to go but i'm sure i'll see you soon! :) - Hope you got that house cleaned! haha ;-) ttyl!

Kristy said...

About that house cleaning thing....still working on that. haha!

trish said...

hahahah... girl, you better get to it! =) - when you are done with yours.. your more than welcome to come over and clean my room! :) hehe

Amanda-The Family News! said...

This is such wonderful news!! Are they still looking at the 20th for her to come home? I would really love to see all of you!!! I live up near Lake Bowen so not far at all from you guys (I think you said u were in Greer). My parents still live in Lyman and I am over there a lot!!!

The Pettigrew's said...

Count me in to Amanda. I would love to see you guys. I am planning on being at the concert in honor of Heather so I hope to see you guys there.