Wednesday, May 28, 2008



The Pettigrew's said...

How cute. I love it.

Lydia said...

Ha... now you are doing it too! I love the pictures. She's too cute in that dress. I love that they do 4k graduation. Precious age! But it happens to fast doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Brianna is so cute in her little play that she did. She's growing up to fast forme. Exspecialy that I can't be there to share all these specal things with her. I just wish that we didn't live so far away from each other.T hat we could of been there is see her 4k graduation & now with her with the dancing. I'm missing out all in her live. I don't like that at all. She is my precious little granddaughter. I Love her very much & I sure hope that she does know that. Nana & Poppa miss her alot. We also, don't want to leave you or Brian out of this either. We Love you both from the bottom of how hearts too. I feel fortunate to have a wonderful daughter-in-law like you Kristy. To keep us up with how granddaughter's life as she grows up. I hope that you know that isn't all of it with you? When, are you & Brian going to give us another little one now? It's time!!!! Before, Brianna gets any older. Tell Brianna that we are so
proud of her.
