Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Well, about the same I guess. We survived the whole Birthday thing, now we are looking forward to Brianna's graduation from 4k. She graduates from Memorial Methodist on May 27, 2008. Our little girl is growing up fast on us, that's for sure. We are also trying to figure out what we are going to do for childcare this summer. Memorial Methodist is an option, but they only have hours of 9-3 during the summer for Brianna's age group. I have to speak to the director to see if they will make an exception and allow Brianna to be dropped off at 8. I mean come on----don't most of us have to be at work by 8:00 in the mornings? Plus, as many of you know, there is a great possibility that Brian will be losing his job very soon. If that's the case, then our problem is solved. He can watch her all summer on his "hiatus". Anyway, please say a quick prayer for us that things just somehow work themselves out for us. As far as other things go, I am really wanting to try to get some of my scrap booking caught up. I am now so far behind I don't think I will ever get caught up. Blogging is great, but I think I like scrap booking better. So maybe I will get a couple layouts accomplished on my 3 day weekend! WOO HOO!! Allright, its 8:00 and the season finale of American Idol is about to come on, so I have GOT TO GO. All I can say is GO DAVID COOK! Don't know what I will watch now that that show is over.


The Pettigrew's said...

Your guess was right!!!

I hope you find child care for the summer and I hope you don't get free child care becasue your husband doesn't have a job. That would be great but not such a great thing for Brian. What is going on with his job?

I am thinking about trying to get Tucker into Memorial but I am not sure what I would do with him on Friday's. We will have to see.

Amanda-The Family News! said...

I am SO glad David Cook won!!! I fell asleep before the ending, but woke up sometime afterwards when the news was on and caught just the part of the announcement (I was still have asleep, so I hope Cook is who I heard)!!! I know what you mean about finding something else to watch now that the season is over....that is how I am with Big Brother...

Amanda-The Family News! said...

And, i posted about Wordless Wednesdays on my blog...

Kristy said...

Looks like things with Memorial Methodist will work out. Thank goodness. Are you wanting to send Tucker there just during the summer or during next school year. During the school year, they still watch the kids on Friday, its just not a "school" day. I absolutely love Memorial. I think I am even going to check out a church service there one Sunday. If they are that good to my daughter in their preschool program, I can't wait to see how they are as far as church members go.

Kristy said...

I'm a huge Big Brother fan too. Everything is going off for the summer. I guess I will just have to start actually watching the movies I rent from Blockbuster:)

Amanda-The Family News! said...

Oh yea, I LOVE Big Brother!!! I know what you mean about watching movies...I have Netflix and am the world's worst about getting a movie in the mail and then not watching it for weeks...

The Pettigrew's said...

Oh that is great news. I really want him to go for the school year. I am going to fill out all the stuff and get busy with that. I really like it. They have lots for the family and for kids. We are having vacaiton bible school the week ot the 8th. You guys are close so you should come!!!

Kristy said...

I have fell absolutely in love with that school. And Gail Warner the director over the CEP program is wonderful. Maybe we will finally run into eachother, Brianna will be doing the VBS there in June as well. She is also going there this summer.