Friday, May 2, 2008


I knew that we still had one more bad thing that was going to come our way. I just wasn't prepared. First it was losing a very close friend, then Heather was in an awful accident and I almost lost her, and now Brianna. No I haven't "lost" her, but that is the 3rd thing that has happened to me in a matter of 3 weeks. So let me give you the scoop:

I went to pick Brianna up at school Thursday. She was playing on the playground like usual when I arrive to get her. I was speaking to her teacher, Ms. Kim, when all of a sudden I heard another teacher yell, "HER ARM, HER ARM, LOOK AT HER ARM!" I looked over and saw Brianna standing there with a horrified look on her face, but I saw no blood dripping from her arm. So I thinking to my self for just a second, "What is she talking about?" And then I see it. Brianna's arm was twisted like nothing I have ever seen before. I guess my best description would be from her elbow down, her arm was in a curved "snake" shape. It has to be the worst things I have ever seen in my life. Apparantly, brianna was running toward me and tripped and fell over a tire on the playground and landed on her arm. So anyway, her teacher was freaking out and ran inside to call 911 and we took Brianna inside. A father of one of the boys in Brianna's classroom helped me get Brianna inside and sat her at a desk. We let her rest her arm on the desk and placed an icepack on it till someone got there. You all should have seen Brianna. Boy was she a trooper. She just sat there. She had a few tears in her eyes, but she mostly just kept saying that her arm was crooked and it hurt. The firefighters arrived first and actually set her arm. They were so great with Brianna. Heck they even asked her if they could come to her Birthday party next week and bring the fire truck for her to ride on. I told them though it was in Spartanburg, since it was Greer FPD that came, I doubt they could drive it to Spartanburg. So one of them gave me her name and number and told me that she had a class at 11:30 Saturday but after that she would come by PumpItUp to see Brianna because "she was one of them now." I thought that was just the sweetest thing. I have got to tell you, they were just terrific. I'm taking Brianna next week to see them at the fire station to give them a thank you card and some doughnuts. Maybe she might get to ride on the firetruck then. Anyway, back to the drama of the day. So I'm standing there as they try to brace her arm. I wanted to cry so bad, but I knew that if I fell apart, Brianna would to. So instead I "cowgirled up" and stood there about to just die inside. Oh yeah, and felt like I was going to puke everywhere. But Brianna, she was just so very brave. The paramedics arrived in the ambulance, placed Brianna on a stretcher and took her for a ride that I can to go on too. On the ambulance, the guy placed an i.v. on her. I think that might actually have hurt her more than breaking her arm:) We arrived at Childrens Hospital at Greenville Memorial about 3:15, they did xrays on her arm. Yes her arm was broken:2 bones broken in about the same place. Then they had to place her under sedation so they could set the bones and place her arm in a temporary cast. Next came another set of xrays to be sure they had set the bones correctly. I guess they succeeded because they never came back into reset it again. They sent us home with Loratab for her pain and we have to follow up with a pediatric orthopedist this morning. I think the funniest thing that Brianna has said during all this was when she woke up from the anesthesia, she asked "Is my arm straight?" I was telling everyone how brave she was and she finally said,"Momma, I've heard it a hundred times about me being brave, that's enough!" She might break her bones, but NOTHING is going to "break" her attitude!


The Pettigrew's said...

Brianna was a trooper!!! I am so glad everything went okay and everyone was great to her. I love her attitude she is too cute. So how did she actually break her arm?

Kristy said...

I guess I should edit my posting to but that tid bit in there huh? Apparantly she was running toward me and tripped and fell over a tire they have have on the playground.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about Brianna..
I hope that the bad things are over because I don't know if we can take anything else. kristi if there is anything I can do for you or Brianna please let me know. I don't know what i could do but i will do anything for you that I can do............Please be careful...and take care of your little angel....
Donna, heathers mom

Lydia said...

Oh! I'm sorry! How scary... You're a good mama, I don't know if I could have stayed calm. I'm glad you both did okay!

Kristy said...

I hope the bad things are over. I really don't know how much I can take. I think I'm going to have to find some nerve pills :) You have so many other things on your mind right now, I want to thank you so much for your care and concerns about Brianna. I spoke to Heather today, if there is anything I can do to help out with the kids let me know. I can pick Carson up at school when I get off or let him come over in the evenings some for dinner and play with Brianna. I really don't mind. As long as no one falls and breaks anything!

Anonymous said...

AS soon as Heather told me about Brianna I thought your three bad things are done! You can breathe a sigh of relief.
Poor baby girl! I know you are taking good care of her.