Sunday, June 1, 2008


Brianna has been taking a tapp/jazz/ballet trio class at Starmakers Dance Company this year. Saturday was her first (and probably last) recital. I say this only because she initially asked to dance. It definitely wasn't our idea. She has enjoyed it up until about the last month. For the last month, I have been making her go. I would never make her do anything she didn't want to do, but she only had 3 more dance classes and her recital. I didn't want all her hard work to be for nothing. I really didn't have to force it too much though because she knew she had to finish in order to get her trophy. But she did persevere through those last dance classes and we even made it through the HORRENDOUS rehearsal on Thursday night. (That in itself is a whole other story that I won't bore you with.) Like I mentioned earlier, Saturday afternoon was her recital. Her first dance was a ballet to the song "Up Where We Belong", followed by her jazz dance, and ending with a tapp dance to "Shake Your Love". She did really good. Come on now, would you expect me to say anything different? Her Daddy and I are very proud of her!


Anonymous said...

those pictures are all so beautiful with Brianna all dressed up with her outfit. Boy! does her daddy like so proud of her in the picture. Where were you Kristy? Why weren't you with her in a pretty picture? You should of had someone take a picture of the three of you with her like that. It would of really been a great picture of you being so proud of her together.