Saturday, June 7, 2008


All I can say is that our little girl is a trooper. She has been through ALOT this week and still has managed to handle it better than her Daddy and I. The first 2 days and nights were really bad. She was in some pain, a lot of discomfort, and was not getting sleep at night. Her fingers were so swollen she could hardly move them. After NUMEROUS calls to the doctors office, I have been instructed that it's perfectly normal for her fingers to look like little sausages, but that it is very important that she move them. It is also important to watch for fever, especially on and after the 3rd day. She has had a low grade fever pretty much every day since her surgery, but the nurse says not to worry unless it gets to be 101 or higher. If it gets that high, infection could be setting in. I have to tell you, emotions around here have been stretched to the limit. I can't speak for Brian, but I question our decision for her to have the surgery. I didn't know that it would be this difficult on her. I can't help but think that I'm the reason that she is having to go through this. I know it's silly. But I really feel like I am crying my eyes out on the inside, it hurts so bad. Did we make the right decision or not. In retrospect, I do think that we made the right decision. I just hate that surgery had to be our decision. But what's done is done. I know it could always be worse, I just hope I never had to see or deal with that. As this situation has really put us through the wringer. If everything goes like it should, she will visit her doctor next week for a check up, then return the following week to have the cast removed. After that, she will go back into surgery in 6 months(I think) to have the plates removed. Hopefully that will be easier on her. I hope and pray anyway. It's Saturday morning now, Brianna slept well last night. She woke up at 6:30 and went back to sleep after a little bit and slept until about 9:00. And so did Mommy, Yeah! Although her fingers still look like sausages, they do look a little better in color and Brianna is able to move them a little without too much pain. And she is definitely feeling better. She is playing around the house and singing. This is a great change in her behavior, as she has been laying on the couch since Wednesday. I plan on getting her out of the house for just a little bit today, take her mind off things and maybe she will start to use those fingers. We are going to visit Build A Bear. OF COURSE! But would you all please pray for my little girl that she doesn't get infection? As this is our main concern at this time. Thank you all for listening to me ramble.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely will be praying for her and for you! Don't let mommy guilt and fear overcome you. Know and trust that you made the best, educated decision for your little girl and down the road you'll be thankful you did.
Prayers for a speedy recovery!

Kristy said...

Thanks for that comment. I definately could use it right about now. It means alot to me that after all these years, we can all still be there for eachother.
Love ya.