Monday, June 23, 2008


Yes, the cast came off today and yes her arm is straight. And that is what we wanted most out of this surgery. But once again, I wasn't prepared for what I saw when the cast came off. I told you in my last posting that her cast was starting to "smell". Well when the doctor took the cast off, what was left on her arm was the bandages covering the stitched incisions from her surgery. They were soaked in old blood and puss......and smelled awful. *First let me tell you this---Brianna is the kind that will let a bandaid just hang off her leg because she doesn't want to pull it off.* So I knew what she was in for when Dr. Beckish needed to remove the old dressings. I had to stand there looking at the AWFUL sores that lay beneath the bandages and the HORRIBLE smell, and had to see my baby girl SCREAMING to the top of her lungs as he pulled the bandages off. When it was all over, I had to sit down-not sure if I was going to puke or pass out. I listened as he revealed that the incisions are healing as expected, however; she did have an allergic reaction to the tape/sticky stuff that adheres the bandages and it caused some blisters. He said to give it a few days and her arm will look better. He also mentioned that her arm has been in a cast for almost 2 months and there is a lot of dead skin that needs to fall off.

Once again, Brian and I are second guessing ourselves. Her arm looks like it has been mutilated. I know that her wounds are fresh and will look better with time, but we just can't help but think maybe we shouldn't had done it. I don't know......her arm is straight and that is what we wanted. I just didn't know it would be like this. Take a look for yourself.


trish said...

oh my gosh. i think i just threw up in my mouth!!!! i feel so bad for her!! :(

Heather said...

Bless her heart!!!!!! That looks terrible! Hopefully it will heal very quickly! Please don't second guess yourself! She is one tough little girl!

Kelly said...

That's awful! Don't worry though, I'm sure you did the right thing and it'll heal quickly!

Amanda-The Family News! said...

Oh no - that doesn't look good, but I still think you made the right decision with the surgery - better to have some sores that need to heal than a crooked arm.

The Pettigrew's said...

i agree with heather. with time it will all heal and it will look much better. we will be praying for her arm to get better.

Lydia said...

Poor baby! I think you guys made the right decision, but I know it's still hard to see them hurt. She's be better soon!

Kristy said...

Thank you ALL so much for your words of encouragement. It really means alot.

Anonymous said...

I felt so bad for my granddaughter.
I know that I would of threw up & loud at the doctor for hurting her so bad. I'm glad that the arm is straight now. But, I really didn't want her to go through all of that. Brianna, is a brave little girl. I really give her credit for going through all of this. When I was reading the blog you wrote about what happen at the doctor's office. I started to cry & felt so bad for her. I'm just glad that she finally got that stupid cast off for now. She needs that. Can't wait to see her & of course you & Brian.