Thursday, June 5, 2008


So I know that I have kept you all in suspense long enough, but after we got home yesterday I was just too exhausted to update you. Anyway.....We arrived at the hospital at 9:10, her surgery started at about 10:30. The staff was good to us and we were kept updated by the nurse in the O.R. room during the surgery. About 12:20 the doctor came out to discuss how the surgery went. Here goes: They had originally planned on placing one rod and 2 pins in her arm. They made a small incision at her elbow for the placement of the rod. However, due to tissue already beginning to heal, Dr. Beckish was unable to use the rod. Therefore he placed 2 plates on the broken bones. This leaves 2, 1.5" scars on the side and under her forearm. He said in a way this will be better: Less healing time and he also said that Brianna would think her arm was back to normal(which obviously at this time it's not, so he placed her in another full arm cast until she is healed from surgery.) He took xrays of her arm and said that her arm is now perfectly straight. Which is exactly what we were going for. Now however comes the hard part--Recovery Room. After her surgery, they placed her into the recovery room to come out of the anesthesia. When she did, she was crying that her elbow hurt( You know that small incision at her elbow I was talking about earlier, well they failed to locally numb that site) Needless to say, she was in alot of pain. They gave her morphine 3 times, and that calmed her down and eased her pain. About an hour later I noticed how swollen and discolored her fingers were that were hanging out of the cast. I showed it to the nurse who called Dr. Beckish. Dr. Beckish was in surgery so a Resident that was in on Brianna's surgery showed up to take a look. Yep, mother definately knows best. The cast was on too tight and would need to be split open to alleviate some of the pressure. He came back with a cast saw. Now let me tell you all, Brianna has had a cast saw used on her before with NO PROBLEM. But this Resident doctor was treating her like meat. He proceded to cut the back side of her cast--that went okay. But then he started on the front, and went around that elbow that was cut open with no numbing medication and Brianna went BOLISTIC! She jumped up off the bed, screaming and crying say he was hurting her. (All this as the FOOL continued to cut) I finally said "You have got to stop, you are hurting her! She wouldn't say it was hurting if it wasn't!" He stopped and Brian got on him. "Are you cutting her?"No because a cast saw can't cut skin. "Where's the blood coming from then?" Apparantly Brianna had pulled her I.V out. Brian was pacing back and forth and his fist was clenched. The doctor and the nurse noticed, and told him he should go wait outside till this was done. I agreed, it was a very hard thing to watch your baby girl hurt that way and to see someone with so little bedside manner be so callous toward it all. Anyway, Brian went outside to take a smoke. I stayed behind with Brianna and got her calmed down enough to let the "IDIOT" finish doing what he started. About that time, Dr. Beckish came in to see how Brianna was. He asked me where was Brian. I replied he stepped outside for a minute. The Resident Doctor replied, "I think he was about to hit me!" He would be right! Anyway, so what we believe caused so much pain was the vibration of the cast saw on that incision on her elbow. Who knows. All I know was that I don't ever want my precious angel to have to go through that again. Finally at 4:20 they sent us home with a prescription for Loratab, and told us to keep an eye on her fingers for swelling and movement, and to watch for fever especially around the 3rd day. She handled all the drama and pain the best that she could I think. She is definately a little trooper. Seeing "Oreo" waiting on her, put a smile on her face. Heather and Brian came by to give her a gift to make her feel better. She now has a new Webkinz to play with, she is just not yet up to that yet. Last night was hard, she was up all night!! And I do mean all night. She probably slept soundly for about 2 1/2 hours. After that it was trips to the bathroom, being in pain, not being able to get comfortable and so on. Let's just say it was pretty rough! Today has been ok. She just won't eat anything. The only thing I have gotten her to eat is 2 peaches and and icepop. But she has been drinking pretty regularly. She is still in some pain and a lot of discomfort. I feel like she needs a constant eye on her always. Especially taking that pain medication, I would hate for her to get up and fall from being doped up. You know what I mean. Brian stayed home today to help take care of her. I am glad for that, because it has really taken both of us to stay on top of her. I hope that tomorrow, brings less pain for our little girl. Maybe she can even get out of the house for a little bit and go to "Build A Bear". Come on now, you all knew that was coming, didn't ya.

Oh, yeah! I forgot. I did leave the house for about an hour this morning to take our new addition to the vet. It is a boy and it's about 6 weeks old. They gave him a flea bath and now he is officially Brianna's responsibility. Welcome to the family, Oreo!