Sunday, June 29, 2008


Last Sunday was a great day to spend sometime outdoors. I am definitely not an "outside" person, but you can only spend so much time inside. I was looking for something fun and cheap for Brianna and I to do after church. We headed out to Falls Park and the Greenville Zoo. We have never been to Falls Park. I walked past it a few months ago when I did the March of Dimes walk and thought it was beautiful. I knew Brianna would like it. We visited there first, had pizza for lunch at the Mellow Mushroom, and ended with our trip to the zoo.


Amanda-The Family News! said...

that looks like fun!! I had never been to Falls Park until last month...I loved it...neat!

The Pettigrew's said...

I think I am going to take Tucker next weekend. There are a few fun thinks I noticed on the member list that I would like to do. I have to take advantage of this free stuff. :) BTW.. we started a bible study if you are intested on Sunday nights at 5:30. It should be an hour to and hour and a half. It's called Walk by Faith.

Lydia said...

I love Falls Park and Downtown Greenville. We used to go a lot...that was before They have free plays in the summer and it's neat to sit out and watch.