Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Brianna finally has a loose tooth. Last night while she was in bed I noticed her playing with a tooth. I asked her what was wrong. She said that her tooth was loose. She's been saying stuff like that for about a month now, so I wasn't sure to believe her. I asked her to move it so I could see. Sure enough, that little booger moved. It looks like it just came loose, so it still may be a few days before it actually falls out of her mouth. I say "fall" because there is absolutely no way that she will ever let us pull a tooth out of her mouth. So anyway, she said she couldn't go to sleep because she was too worried about her tooth. I know, I know....she gets THAT from her mother. Yes, you are right. So finally, I calmed her down by letting her place a cold rag on it. She went to sleep and quickly woke up this morning to make sure it hadn't fell out during the night. Nope, it was still there. She asked if she could have an apple. I asked why, she said because when she bit into the apple her tooth would come out. So I washed her the apple and handed it to her. I wish I had of taken a picture of this little worried girl, standing on her step stool in the bathroom, looking in the mirror with this huge green apple in her hand. I won't ever forget it. So anyway, she stares at the apple, then stares into the mirror for a few seconds, looks to me and says, "I just can't do it." She just sounded so defeated. I told her ok, not to worry about it and that it would fall out when it's ready. I honestly think we are going to have more problems with her and loosing teeth than we did with her dealing with a cast on her arm for almost 2 months! I will be sure to tell you just when the Tooth Fairy arrives at our house. And you better believe, I will post a picture.


Heather said...

Aww! This excites me!!!!!!! She will finally get to use her birthday present!!!!!!! You will have to tell her she can talk to Carson about all of her worries! He is an expert on losing teeth!!!!

Love you!

Amanda-The Family News! said...

I feel her pain - I was ALWAYS terrified when I had a loose tooth! I didn't let anyone touch it - just me!