Sunday, June 8, 2008


Brianna is going to Vacation Bible School at Memorial Methodist this week. I thought I would try to dedicate a post to what she learns there and the crafts she makes.

Wave 1: God is good to everyone. Psalm 145:9

Wave 2: Jesus is the Son of God. John 20:31
Brianna came home from VBS tonight telling me all about the dance they did. She said that when we get money, we need to go to the beach so that she can do her dance at the edge of the ocean.

Wave 3:Jesus made people well. Luke 7:21
Brianna's favorite thing about VBS tonight was the craft she made. She says its a "Wind Teller".

Wave 4: God gave us the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:16

I went to pick Brianna up tonight a little early so that I could see her doing their songs and dances. I took a couple pictures. Tonight for crafts she made a scroll and a lizard.

Wave 5: Love God and love others. Luke 10:27
Tonight was the last night of VBS. One of the teachers approached me to say that Brianna was one of her best dancers and singers. I'm glad to hear that Brianna enjoyed herself this week. I know that I sure did enjoy it. I made use out of those 2 hours and 45 minutes she was gone every evening. The kids that participated this week will be doing the music for Sunday's 9:00 service at church. I can't wait to see it. If you want to see more pictures of VBS this week, Kelly, has them on her blog. *Thanks Kelly for posting some pictures of Brianna this week so that I could see how much fun she was having.
Brianna's craft tonight was a first aid kit. Inside was band aids, antiseptic wipes, gauze, and ointment.


The Pettigrew's said...

Oh you are on top of it. I will be there Wednesday and Tuesday late maybe I will see you. I have been out of town...I hope she had fun!

Amanda-The Family News! said...

I LOVED going to VBS!!!!

Kristy said...

She's having fun so far. But it runs from 6 to 8:45. That seems like a long time, but I guess if the kids are having fun the time will fly by.

Kristy said...

I saw Tucker just as I was leaving last night. He's even cuter in person.

Amber said...

She looks like she is having so much fun! I have been trying to find somewhere for Kaylee to go to VBS. I'm not sure why our church doesn't have one??? I have the best memories of VBS as a kid; I know Brianna will love it! :)

PS - I promise to update soon!

Kristy said...

I guess your mom gave you my message. I am expecting to see updates very soon.

The Pettigrew's said...

Thank you Kristy. I hope he was behaving. When I left him he was running all over the place with Caroline. I have been out of town so I have not seen him. I plan on being there on Tuesday night so I will make sure that I catch up with you.

The Pettigrew's said...

Wow you are on the ball with your posting. :) I need to take pictures of his crafts. I had not even thought about that. It was good to see you tonight.

Kelly said...

Brianna is so adorable!! She's my best little dancer! :-)
BTW, I totally agree about it being too long and too late! But at least we're having fun. :-)

Amanda-The Family News! said...

Kristy - check out the comments on my blog on how to add the links - Lydia helped out and it is VERY easy!!! Yea Lydia!!

Kristy said...

She is absolutely loving VBS. Thanks for making sure her and all the other kids have a great time.

Kristy said...

It was great seeing you too. I think I'm going to visit that church some to see what they are about, so maybe I'll be seeing you around.

Kristy said...

Amanda & Lydia,
Thanks for the blogging tip!

The Pettigrew's said...

I will not be at church Sunday but I will be there in a week. I hope you guys come and visit. I really like it there.