Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Well what started out this morning with what was to be a quick visit to Brianna's orthopedist to have her cast removed, turned into a day of angst and confusion. Let me just start by saying, 3 weeks ago, the orthopedist noticed that Brianna's bones were not healing exactly like they should. He said there were 2 options:wait and see and they would eventually heal on their own or surgery to fix them. He said the he thought surgery should be a last resort. He said that over a period of 6-12 months, Brianna's bones would grow back together and grow straight. Until then, she would just have a slight bump on the side of her forearm. So anyway, back to today....We went today to have the cast removed after being on her for 5 weeks. They took the cast off, I looked at her arm and it was just about the same as it was when she broke it on May 1st. I knew it wasn't going to be good. The doctor came in, took a look, took some xrays and said he'd be back in just a minute to discuss the options. Well, apparently the bones have shifted. He said that this is only the 3rd time he has seen this happen. By the bones shifting, the bones are wanting to go back to the position in which they were broken. So again, I was given 2 options. Option #1, we could wait 1year to 1 1/2 year for the bones to grow back together. He is fairly confident being that she is 5 years old and has alot of room for growth, that they will eventually heal back together straight. Option #2, surgery to insert a rod to keep the bone straight and pens to ensure that the arm be perfectly straight. He said, that if it were his daughter(and he does have one exactly Brianna's age) looking at how Brianna's arm looks, he would do the surgery. And no that doesn't influence my decision, but it does make me feel better to know that someone else would do the same thing we have chosen to do. The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10:30. There were many factors that influenced us in making this decision, but I think the biggest one was when we were walking out of the business office at the hospital and my 5yr old little girl looked up at me and said, "I just want to be normal again. I don't want my arm crooked." Anyway, please pray for her while she is in surgery and we will pray that we made the right decision for our precious little girl.


Lydia said...

I will be thinking and praying for Brianna tomorrow. That's a lot to take in- I can't believe it's tomorrow! I would have done the surgery too... Another year plus would be hard on anyone let alone a five year-old. Hum, how many trips to Build-a-Bear will this take? ;)

Anonymous said...

All of your prays are with Brianna for tomorrow. Everything will go good for her. Let us know how she is any everything is done. We Love her & both of you. Grandma Young said, that she sends her prays Brianna's way too.

Kristy said...

Lydia, I'm glad someone agrees with out decision. And you are so right about the buildabear. It will take at least one trip for sure. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

Kristy said...

Thank you for your prayers and concerns.

Amanda-The Family News! said...

I would have opted for the surgery too - if you didn't and it still didn't set right as she got older you would probably have had to end up doing the surgery anyway and my guess would be that it would be harder on her in 5 years versus doing it now while the break is still fresh.... Let us know how it turns out!!!

Kristy said...

I really hope we made the decision. The surgery went well, but afterwards in recovery was just awful. All I can do is to think that God guided us to that decision for a reason.....