Sunday, June 8, 2008


It is officially 100 degrees outside, and feels like 102. This is insane, all that work that we have been doing in our yards is gone to pot. Our flowers are thirsty, despite watering numerous times a day and the grass is scorched. The only thing that these high temperatures are doing is keeping us inside with the air conditioner which is running nonstop, which probably means its going to tear up from being overloaded. Anyway, on the plus side, my house is getting somewhat clean today. Although I have been picking up around here since Brianna's surgery on Wednesday, I really haven't had time to clean. So that is what I have been doing this afternoon. The only thing I have left to do for the time being is dishes, so I thought I would take a little break. I really just can't get over this heat. Like I mentioned earlier, our air conditioner has been running non stop and it is still 78 degrees in here. Which I guess that is still better than being burned to a crisp by stepping outside for a quick minute. The director from Brianna's school, Mrs. Gail, is going to stop by later this afternoon to see how Brianna is doing. I must say that she is much better. She improves everyday. The swelling has gone down tremendously and the color looks great. Brianna is planning on going to VBS this week at Memorial Methodist. She is looking forward to it. It starts tonight, so I really hope she will be up for it. I think it will help take her mind off things, and maybe even get her to use those fingers and arm a little bit. Anyways, gots to go....don't you hear those dishes calling my name? Ya'll stay cool out there today.


Lydia said...

I'm glad she is doing better!