Tuesday, June 3, 2008


There was a little baby kitty in our flower bed this morning when we left. It was still there this afternoon when we got back home. It has really taken up with Brianna, following her everywhere she goes. Brianna has now even given it a name, OREO. Looks like there will be another pet at this house! Come on now, look at that picture---How could I possibly say "No" to her?


Anonymous said...

You can say no Kristy to Brianna. You really don't needed anymore animals. You guys have a hand full with Mr.Pickles, Bonnie & the fish. Who is taking care of them now? I know that you will be mad at me for saying that. But you have to say Brianna NO at some point in her life.

Kristy said...

FYI, Brianna does hear "No" from me quiet often. But she has been talking about having a baby kitten for months now. And now one has just landed on our door step. It's like it was meant to be. I have been informed by my wonderful husband, that this cat will be my responsibility. Right now, I just can't put too much concentration onto that, my mind is with Brianna and her surgery tomorrow. I have to get one thing taken care of at a time, before I totally loose my mind. Thank God for nerve pills:)

Amanda-The Family News! said...

I am a HUGE animal lover!!! We have a really hard time turning down animals - if I didn't have 2 little ones I would probably have a huge farm of animals!!! We have 2 dogs at my house and I have one dog and 8 good sized fish that "live" at my moms house!!! My dad is all the time bringing home stray dogs and finding them homes (he has kept 3 of them though)!! Love the kitty!!!

Kristy said...

It is hard seeing a cute little helpless kitty out there and not want to help it. And right now, its the perfect distraction for Brianna and her arm pain. I plan on taking it to the vet tomorrow to get checked out.