Thursday, June 26, 2008


"Stress" has taken over a major portion of my life in the past month and a half, and has finally came to the front burner. It is not only affecting me, but my husband as well. We both have "issues" that we are trying to deal with. I know that we all have some stress in our lives and it is in how we deal with that stress that will make us stronger. I found a website that may help me as well as others that just need a little "break" from the insanity. It offers 7 QUICK WAYS TO CALM DOWN. Maybe it may help us on the verge of a nervous breakdown get back to reality( I say that jokingly of course:)


Kelly said...

I read them all and loved it. Thank you! I needed that today!
I hope your stress gets better.

Kristy said...

Glad it helped you. I think I might have to click there everyday.