Sunday, June 15, 2008


We have already been to church this morning, came home to bake cookies, and are about to leave to go visit my Dad. Brian is still sleeping. I figure since it was Father's Day, I would keep Brianna busy and quiet so that he could get some sleep. This week has been very, very stressful on him and he deserves a day off. Anyway, we will be off visiting my dad and grandpa today before coming home to show Brian how much Brianna and I love and care about him. Brianna is giving him a set of LCD lights for the grill. He saw them in a sales flyer a couple weeks ago and mentioned how cool they were. And I will be exchanging the propane tank for the grill. Can you guess what we'll be having for dinner tonight? HAMBURGERS! Anyway, I wish all you Dad's out there a great day.


Amanda-The Family News! said...

Happy Father's Day!!! We just got back from visitin with my daddy!!!
And, had hamburgers too!!!

Kelly said...

I was so glad to see you and Brianna at church yesterday! I am so very sorry that I didn't get a chance to come and speak with you, I was a little overwhelmed with the whole service and being a single mom at the moment because Andy is out of town.
I can't wait to get to know you and your family better and I hope you all come back next week! We started going to MUMC 6 years or so (it may be 7 now, I've lost count) when I took a position as a youth director there and fell in love with the place. Everywhere has it's ups and downs, but we turly feel at home at MUMC. Now my husband is the youth minister and I lead the contemp. service, and we're about to move into some church property pretty soon. I hear you guys live close to there too, so hopefully we can become great friends!!
Please do link my blog to yours! I'd be honored!

Kristy said...

We do live really close to the church. I like what I have seen so far of Memorial, I think my husband will probaby enjoy the traditional service. But hopefully, he will check out both before he decides. I will definately be there this Sunday. Hopefully with the whole family entow. You are a really sweet girl, and I can't wait to get to know you on a more personal level. You know you can only learn so much about a person through "blogs".

Anyway, I will definately add your link to my list. It gets old having to catch your link through other peoples blogs.