Wednesday, June 25, 2008



Heather said...

Yay! Yay! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad she finally got to use her birthday present! I sure hope the Tooth Fairy was great to her!!!!!!!!! I love her beautiful new smile! Your baby is growing up, so you know that I am thinking!!!! not saying a word though!

trish said...

As a kid when I lost my teeth.. i was SO excited bc it meant $$$ .... as i look back at my pictures of my mouth when i did lose my teeth.. WOW, how EMBARRASSING! But I sure felt like i was rich at the time!! :)

Kristy said...

Well, the fairy brought her $5. She said that the fairy took her tooth to get one of the helpers to put it on her castle. It's part of the window. I hope she doesn't start loosing too many teeth too soon, the "fairy"'s pockets are about empty already.

And to Heather------JUST HUSH!

Anonymous said...

My grandaughter finally lost one of her little teeth. That was so nice when she called to tell Nana & Poppa. She was so excited about it & the Tooth Fairy. She sure thinks that the little tooth is going to bring her alot of money for it. I told her that the Tooth Fairy will have to get her money when she comes to N.Y. She said that would be cool. Kristy, just remind me about that 0k? I feel the sameway as Heather does on the growing up part & !!!!!!!